version 0.5 released


    • Sounds have been added to the game.
    • All sounds are triggered by the player's actions.
    • Also includes an ambience track.
    • These are just royalty free sounds for now, I might change them later if they're not good.
  • Added a new level: The Jungle.
    • early in development.
    • currently only has 2 bug types.
  • Added a level select screen to switch between levels.
    • each level has its own high score.
  • New bug type: Spinning bug
    • A predator type bug that inhabits the Jungle.
    • Spins sporadically and destroys moss it touches, exposing any prey hiding within.


  • Predator bugs now mature after 5 jumps, rather than 10.
  • Moss bugs have been tweaked to be better at surviving.
  • Added a backdrop behind the world. Just some simple dirt with some background props.
  • Game over text now has a different message when you get a new high-score.
  • Game now has its own icon rather than the default unity icon.


  • Text has an outline now to make it more easily readable.
    • Before, the white score text would blend perfectly with the white walls making it unreadable at times. 

Get Jar World

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